Telephonic hearings are governed by Local Bankruptcy Rule 9074-2 and Administrative Order 9074-2. All parties seeking to participate in hearings by telephonic appearance must utilize the services of CourtCall, an independent conference call company.
Absent exigent circumstances, all requests to appear shall be made no later than two (2) business days prior to the scheduled hearing.
Participants must notify CourtCall toll-free by telephone (866-582-6878) or by email ( no later than two (2) business days prior to the scheduled hearing. Permission to appear telephonically on shorter notice must be obtained by contacting the courtroom deputy (for KB call 603-222-2644, for PGC, MAF or CJP call 603-222-2644) and will only be granted if just cause exists.
Participants must provide CourtCall with the following information:
- Case name and number
- Name of judge
- Hearing date and time
- Name, address and telephone number of the participant
- Name of the party represented by the participant
- Matter on which the participant wishes to be heard or whether the participant intends to monitor the proceeding in “listen only” mode
No special equipment is required to use the service, although CourtCall does charge a fee for their services.
Any questions about CourtCall’s fees or policies should be directed to CourtCall at 866-582-6878 or online at