CM/ECF Login
CM/ECF (Case Management/Electronic Case Filing) is the electronic docketing system used by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court. The system allows users to view and file court documents over the Internet. To file documents, a login and password specific to New Hampshire is required. To view documents, a PACER login and password is required.
CM/ECF is configured to provide a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed option. Users can choose to subscribe to the RSS feed which will provide them with a list of docket entries made during the last 24 hours in all cases. The RSS feed also contains links to the documents listed in the feed as well as the case docket. There are no fees for viewing the list of data provided by the RSS feed. However, clicking on a hyperlink to view the actual document or case docket will prompt the user to log in to PACER at which point PACER fees will be incurred.
RSS Feed Entries made in the last 24 hours - Public Users
If you have questions regarding CM/ECF, please contact the CM/ECF Helpdesk at: (866) 252-6323.