The Court has issued the Sixteenth General Order Regarding Court Operations Under the Exigent Circumstances Created by COVID-19 on April 27, 2023. The Sixteenth General Order supersedes the Fifteenth General Order.
Effective June 1, 2023, all hearings in the Bankruptcy Court will be conducted in person at the Rudman Courthouse unless the Court indicates or otherwise orders.
The order rescinds the Fifth General Order effective June 1, 2023, and reinstates the requirement of Administrative Order 5005-4(d)(3) that a Declaration Regarding Electronic Filing be submitted to the Court within 7 days of the electronic filing of a document containing signatures under oath.
The order also rescinds the Fifteenth General Order effective June 1, 2023. Thereafter, all hearings in the Bankruptcy Court will be conducted in person at the Rudman Courthouse unless the Court indicates or orders otherwise. Consistent with the principles of access to justice and the courts, parties are encouraged to participate in hearings remotely, to the extent permissible by applicable law, rules, and procedures. Parties may appear telephonically as permitted by Administrative Order 9074-2.
Questions about any hearings should be directed to the Courtroom Deputy at 603-222-2644. Case related questions should be directed to the Clerk's Office at 603-222-2600.