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New Hampshire Attorney General Issues Fraud Alert Related to Bankruptcy Filers

Monday, October 19, 2015

New Hampshire Attorney General Joseph Foster issues the following caution for people who have filed or may soon file for bankruptcy. There is an on-going telephone scam related to individuals who have filed bankruptcy papers in court. The scammers, apparently using information from public filings in the bankruptcy court, will call a person who has filed for bankruptcy, claiming to be that person's lawyer, the lawyer's partner or a member of their law office staff. Using software that can affect a person's caller ID system, they make it appear that the call is actually coming from the person's lawyer. The scammers instruct the unwitting consumer to immediately wire money to satisfy a debt. The calls may be made late in the evening or during non-business hours so the person receiving the call cannot contact his or her lawyer to confirm the request.


Any person who receives such a call should not wire funds and should contact their lawyer as soon as possible. Scams should also be reported to the Attorney General's Consumer Protection Bureau at 1-888-468-4454. To read the press release, click here.